Elliott Fellowship for Professional Renewal
This award is open to all Santa Rosa City School District middle school, junior high, and senior high teachers who have completed from three to nine years teaching in the Santa Rosa City School District. It provides the recipient with $4,000 scholarship to be used for part- or full-time enrollment fees in an M.A. in Education program at SSU; funds and can also be used to help with books and supplies for the program.

Candidates apply for this award, and the recipient will be selected by a faculty committee appointed by the Dean. Preference will be given to applicants who are graduates of an SSU credential program and/or applicants who have served as resident/mentor teachers for SSU student teachers.

The winner will be announced in Spring 2023 and the recipient will be able to begin study in Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 once they have applied and have been accepted into the Master's Program. Each recipient of this award must complete the two-semester scholarship period within five years of receiving the award. All Applicants must meet admissions requirements for graduate study at SSU.

Application Submission Instructions:

To apply online:
1. Create a Google Drive folder with your CV, written narrative, three artifacts and letter of recommendation and share it with dean.education@sonoma.edu. Make sure the settings indicate that anyone with the link to the folder can view the contents.
2. Send a notification email with ELLIOTT FELLOWSHIP ONLINE APPLICATION in the subject line and provide a link to the Google Folder to dean.education@sonoma.edu.  

Applications Due by: February 10, 2023
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