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Twilio Verify RCS Opt-Out
Complete this form to opt-out of the upgrade from SMS to RCS channel when using the Verify API. Learn more about Verify RCS here:
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* Indicates required question
Provide Twilio Account SID to
Which Twilio Account SID should not be upgraded to RCS? This SID value starts with "AC". You can find it at the bottom of an email you may have received from Twilio regarding the upgrade, or you can find it under Twilio Console > Account >
General Settings
Your answer
Do not upgrade to RCS for sub-accounts as well?
If the provided Account SID is a parent account with sub-accounts under it, do you want the upgrade for those sub-accounts?
Do not upgrade to RCS for sub-accounts
Upgrade to RCS for sub-accounts
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Your Email
Your email address must match one of the Twilio users with access to the Account SID.
Your answer
Please share why you are opting-out from the RCS upgrade?
Your answer
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