hye, this is @thevioletic1

Please do take note below:-

1. This is first come first serve basis, I will not be selective with this claim as it's only albums. However, if I saw any of those successful  claimers sold back the goods with unacceptable price, you will be blocked for the next claim

2. Make sure that you are fully committed joining the claim, refund and backout will not be entertained. In other words, serious buyers only for this claim

3.  You will be given 24 hours to make payment. If you can't pay within 24 hours, I can give you more time but please no backout :) the maximum days I can give is 3 days. If you do have problem with payment, feel free to tell me and I will consider :)

4. Successful claimers will be informed through twitter direct message

5. Lastly, good luck and have a nice day!

**** I accept online transfer, CDM and shopee pay ****

!!! POSTAGE RM8 - RM12

*****please check my pinned tweet for conditions and inclusions :)******
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You can claim more than one but do not backout. I don't accept dummy submission :< .  **remaining unclaimed items
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