SADIY EoL day 2023-24 - Booking form
Dear SADIY - and all IY(UK) - teachers and registered trainees,

The SADIY Exchange of Learning Day (ELD) for 2024-25 is led by Frances Homewood
The theme is 'Yoga for all ages'.

Date: Sunday 10 November 2024
Time: 10.00am to 4.00pm (including a short break for lunch)
Fees: £35 or £28 for SADIY members
Address: 'Sheffield Iyengar Yoga Centre, 270 Burgoyne Road, Sheffield, S6 3QF.

To register fill in this booking form and send payment to SADIY, either by bank transfer (bank account: SADIY, sort code: 54-41-50, account no: 53174151, reference SADIY ELD 2025) or by cheque (made payable to SADIY and sent to Pascale Vacher, SADIY ELD 2025, 10 Bent Drive, S11 9RP).

If you have any question you can contact us (07941 646418 or

Thank you for your support and looking forward to seeing you there.

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Name *
Email *
Mobile number   *
Emergency contact. Please give name and contact number. *
Teacher qualification *
Iyengar yoga teacher(s). Please give name(s) of the teachers you currently attend classes with.
Injuries or health issues. Please give details on "Other..." *
SADIY membership. If member of another institute please tell us which in "Other..." *
IY(UK) membership number. If not sure just enter 'Unknown'. *
Payment. £35 or £28 for SADIY members. By bank transfer (bank account: SADIY, sort code: 54-41-50, account no: 53174151, reference ELD 25). By cheque (sent to Pascale Vacher, ELD 25, 10 Bent Drive, S11 9RP). *
Disclaimer. I have read and agreed with the conditions set out in the disclaimer ( *
Overnight stay. Please pass on my contact details if needed.
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Signature. Please write your name in lieu of signature.
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