Registration - A Study/Support Group 
Event Timing: 11:30 am-12:30 pm, March 19--May 14, 2023 (8-Week Series of 1-hour workshops)
Event Address: Unity Church of Kent, 218 State Avenue S, WA 98030 [In the "Transformation Room"]
Registration or Information: (253) 256-5584 or
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Toltec Wisdom 
Become aware of your true nature, unlimited power, and freedom.
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone Number *
Select one or more of the following class preferences. *
How did you find out about this event? (Market survey)
There is no charge for this workshop series. 
Unity Church of Kent accepts love offering DONATION$ to help us continue serving the community. Unity Church of Kent (
Every little bit helps and is greatly appreciated.
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Thank you for registering for the class. 
If you chose the online class, a Zoom link will be forwarded to your email to join the class. 
If you have questions or need help with registering, please contact us:
 (253) 256-5584 or
Namaste {;-D)
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