2023 NAAAP DC Volunteer Interest Form
Thank you for your interest in volunteering for the operations of the DC Chapter of the National Association of Asian American Professionals!

Our mission is to cultivate and empower Asian & Pacific Islander leaders through professional development, community service, and networking. Serving pan-Asian, pan-professional members, the DC chapter continues to provide premier leadership programming annually, including one of NAAAP’s longest-running and most successful regional leadership conferences. Furthermore, the DC chapter is dedicated to community engagement through local partnerships and community service.

Learn more about NAAAP DC: https://dc.naaap.org/

Please submit all queries to Jenny Nguyen at jenny.nguyen@naaapdc.org
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Name *
Email Address *
Location *
City and State
Phone Number
What is your professional position or background? *
Are you a current NAAAP DC member? *
All volunteers must be registered, NAAAP DC members. You can view our different membership options here: https://naaap-washington.silkstart.com/join.
What area(s) would you like to volunteer with? *
If you selected more than one area, please put in order your interest level of each committee, with your #1 committee choice listed first:
Why do you want to volunteer for NAAAP DC? *
What experiences do you have that would be relevant to the area(s) you selected? *
Anything else you would like to mention or ask?
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