New Placement Information
A form for employers to express their interest in sponsoring cooperative education students.
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Email *
Company Name *
Sector *
Address *
City *
Postal Code *
Name of Contact *
Contact's Telephone Number *
Contact's Email *
Co-op Job/Placement Title *
Number of Student Placements Available - Select all that apply. *
Semester 1 (September to January) - Select all that apply. *
Semester 2 (February to June) - Select all that apply. *
Hours and Days of Work (Typically 3 hours per day, Monday to Friday) or 6 hours if the student is in an All Day Co-op class. *
Job Synopsis and Tasks (Observed and/or performed by the Co-op student) *
Job Requirements (Skills, Personal Qualities) *
Are you interested in sponsoring an apprentice? *
If so, which trade?
Are you interested in coming into school to be a guest speaker for a class? *
Are you interested in creating a scholarship that will be given at graduation to a student that meets the criteria you specify (eg. Top mark in welding, co-op, science, etc.), or a student of your choice. This can be a one time or recurring scholarship and tax receipts will be issued from the DSBN.
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