The Brickell Babes Partnership Request Form
Thanks for your interest in partnering with The Brickell Babes! We reach thousands of women in the Miami community through our social media properties and collaborate with brand partners to create authentic content across our channels. Please fill out the form below and we will follow up ASAP!
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Email *
Email *
First Name *
Last Name *
Are you subscribed to The Brickell Babes emails? *
Job Title *
Short company description (sector, service/product, geography, etc.)
Company website (URL)
Company social media handle (if applicable) - Example ("IG @thebrickellbabes")
What mediums are you most interested in sponsoring?
How else would you like to partner with The Brickell Babes?
When do you want to advertise with us? *
What budget are you interested in allocating to a partnership with The Brickell Babes?
How did you hear about us? *
Anything else we should know? (Marketing goals, our audience fit, etc.)
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