OSU PacBio Lunch & Learn Registration 6/13/23
Registration for a PacBio lunch and learn seminar: Genomics and Transcriptomics with Highly Accurate Long- & Short-Read Sequencing 

Lunch & talk from 12-1 (ALS 4001) with an overview of PacBio’s HiFi long-read technology & their sequencing-by-binding, Q40+ short-read technology. Application overviews including WGS, metagenomics, & full-length isoform RNA-Seq.

Office Hours with PacBio before and after the seminar in ALS 3021 (CQLS office) from 9AM-11AM & 2PM-4PM.

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Will you join us for the lunch & learn 6/13 from 12-1PM? *
Do you plan on stopping by for either office hours period? (Feel free to email aklegarth@pacb.com to provide some background)
Dietary restrictions? *
Do you have any prior experience with PacBio for sequencing? *
Do you have any prior experience with long-read sequencing? *
Do you have any high-sensitivity, low limit of detection NGS projects you are currently using short-read for?
What are your primary sequencing applications? *
Let us know about any projects you would be interested in discussing.
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