LARE Study Group Sign-Up Form
Please fill out this form to sign up for a BSLA Emerging Professionals study group.

The study group is co-sponsored and hosted by Copley Wolff Design Group. It will be held IN PERSON at the CWDG offices + ONLINE. (online link here.) Below, please indicate what you're planning to take in April to help us plan these next weeks appropriately.

Members + non-members are welcome. This is a FREE series.

There will be a kickoff/introductory meeting on on Wednesday, January 25, 2023 at 6:30pm. 

In preparation for the April 2023 exams, the study group is scheduled to meet every other Wednesday evening at 6:30pm starting on February 8 through March 22 (4 meetings). See tentative schedule below. 

Physical study materials and meals will be provided to study group participants at the CWDG office during the evenings the study group meets. Space is limited, but depending on interest, the study groups will do their best to accommodate digital participants. This results of this form will also be used to help you connect with each other, so that you can connect, as you wish, outside of the Wednesday evening sessions.

January 25 - Introductory session/social
February 8 - Session #1
February 22 - Session #2
March 8 - Session #3
February 22 - Session 4

The in person location:
At the office of Copley Wolff Design Group Location:
10 Post Office Square Suite 1315 (13th floor), Boston, MA 02109

The online option: a Zoom link will be emailed to all who register in advance. It's also here.

Image credit: a photo of the real deal; LARE study materials of Allison Desbonnet, ASLA. Thank you, Allison!
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Name: *
Email address: *
Office/Institution Affiliation (Reply "N/A" if not applicable): *
Please select the exams for which you are interested in studying: *
Please check the sessions you are able to attend in person. *
Are you interested in participating virtually? Are you only able to participate in a virtual option?
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Where are you taking the exam -- or where did you take it?
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Have you taken/passed any exams previously and are willing to share study tips?
We're working on creating a lending library of study materials. What study materials/resources do you wish to borrow from BSLA?
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Any questions, comments?  Specific resources you'd like to see, or notes? Thanks!
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