All Vision Unsupervised ML Practitioner Certification Test
You can take this exam as many times as you like to pass. There is a one week delay between test attempts. Passing grade is 90% correct and above.

It is $89 to access the exam, all test materials, and to get your personalized 1 year certification which is valid only after receiving a passing certification score. Your Machine Learning Certification Subscription gives you access to study materials, webinars, and invite-only office hours with the All Vision Machine Learning and Data Science team to answer any questions you have about Unsupervised ML.
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Which is a Better Solution for the Problem? *
6 points
Supervised ML
Unsupervised ML
Facebook needs to sort links into fake news or real news
Poshmark is grouping existing customers for a marketing campaign
Capital One is finding new forms of fraud
How does Machine Learning (ML) relate to Artificial Intelligence (AI)? *
1 point
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1 point
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What is Unsupervised Machine Learning? *
1 point
Select the type of Machine Learning that most relates to the given statement (Part 1/2) *
6 points
Unsupervised Learning
Supervised Learning
Your model is as good as the labels you have
Detect behavioral anomalies
Direct feedback given - the machine gives precise answers by training on fully labeled data
Great at locating changing trends
The model is trained on a reward / punishment mechanism
Find and detect patterns by inferring the natural structure present within a set of data points
This image depicts..... *
1 point
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What is Supervised Machine Learning? *
1 point
Select the type of Machine Learning that most relates to the given statement (Part 2/2) *
6 points
Unsupervised Learning
Supervised Learning
There is no supervisor, only a number or reward signal
Data with clearly defined output is provided
Great at sorting data into known categories
Not used to locate or detect a specific ‘answer’
Best for predicting that a certain condition is met or will be met
Machine understands the data (identifies patterns and structure)
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