DC Volunteer Water Monitoring Sign Up 
Thank you for your interest in the DC Volunteer Water Monitoring Program! 
We welcome you to fill out this form. You will hear back from us in April as we begin our monitoring trainings. Please keep a look out for an email from us soon!


 If you would like to see the data results of the monitoring program, please check out  Water Reporter  and the Chesapeake Data Explorer.

This program trains volunteers to collect samples at 22 monitoring sites located throughout DC, on the Potomac, Rock Creek, and Anacostia watersheds with our partners at Anacostia Riverkeeper, Rock Creek Conservancy, and Nature Forward.  

By working with volunteers to help us collect data, we are able to monitor large areas of the watershed with dedicated, local stewards who are committed to keeping their local waterways clean. All training will be provided all the training and materials to volunteers. Volunteers will learn basic water monitoring techniques, like taking water temperature measurements, pH, and bacteria sampling.  

Sampling takes place every week on Wednesdays, 7am - 10am from May - September. The sampling itself only takes about 1 - 1.5 hours per site (NOT including returning home or to work). Volunteers can sign up for as many or as few sampling days as they want.

Volunteers MUST be trained and certified before they can monitor. Access to a car is recommended, but not required.

You can monitor at any location, although our current highest priority is for volunteers who can collect samples along the Potomac River sites. You can find a list of all the sites here -> https://www.google.com/maps/d/u/0/viewer?mid=1RIoIjX1IrsQoe9-ED6MDFSX9RQV724zv&ll=38.896889668558636%2C-77.06819486941473&z=12

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First Name *
Last Name *
Email *
Phone Number *
Home Address (Street, City, State, Zip) *
Ward (if applicable) *
Are you available on Wednesdays for at least 1 hour between 7am - 10am? *
Do you have a car? Access to a car is preferred, but not required for all sites. Sampling may take 2 - 3 hours if by metro/bus/bike. *
Where would you like to monitor? (Check all that apply) *
How did you learn about this program? *
Are you are returning volunteer to this monitoring program? *
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