Business and Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Progress Towards Developing National Action Plans
As of 2021, in Southeast Asia, Thailand is the only country that has published the national action plans (NAPs) on business and human rights; while Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines have either expressed their intention or have undertaken necessary steps to develop their NAPs. This event, convened to mark the launch of a new report,  will take stock of the latest developments and challenges to the implementation of the NAPs in Southeast Asia. It will, in particular, focus on the participation of business organisations and parliamentarians in realising the NAPs. During the event, to mark the launch of Asia Centre and Fredrich Naumann’s publication Business and Human Rights in Southeast Asia: Developing National Action Plans, invited speakers and discussants will review the role(s) of the states and discuss case studies. The aim is to identify the way forward for the positive adoption of NAPs in the region and convene regular activities around issues related to business and human rights in the region.

Date : 15 December 2021 (10am-4pm, GMT+7, Bangkok Time)
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