MinnABE Conference Proposal
The Minnesota Association for Bilingual Education (MinnABE) invites professionals, students, and community members to submit proposals for our annual spring conference from 9:00-1:00 on Saturday, April 19th, 2025 in Forest Lake, MN. We invite proposals related to best practices for instruction, successful use of resources, program administration, teacher training and professional development, as well as research relevant for all levels and types of dual language bilingual education.

Do you have colleagues you think would be interested in presenting/facilitating? Please share this information with them! We need your help to make MinnABE 2025 a success, building off the momentum from MAIN/MADLIN!

If you are having issues with registering on this form, please contact Kaari Rodriguez at minnesotaabe@gmail.com

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Email *
Last name *
First name *
Job title or role *
Name of school, district or organization *
Title of session *
Type of presentation: Workshop, Presentation, Research, Exhibitor Session, Panel *
Session description (300 words) *
One or two sentence summary *
Audience for your session, check all that apply *
Presenter Bio(s) 50 words *
Any other notes, requests or questions?
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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