Is there a national concern for wildlife in the UK? 
Hi my name is Robyn, and I am carrying out a research project in to how much the general public cares for wildlife (with a focus on wild animals) in the UK. The aim of this survey is to assess the general attitudes that the British Public holds in regards to wildlife in the UK and your response will help me come to a conclusion. 

You are under no obligation to take part in this survey and can withdraw from the survey at any time if you choose to.  Any submitted information will be analysed solely for academic purposes and all collected information is anonymised and stored confidentially, within a secure network, in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations (2018).
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1. How old are you? *
2. Have you ever donated to any UK based animal charity, such as the RSPCA?  *
3. As a child did you ever purposefully scare/chase pigeons and/or as an adult have you allowed your child to scare/chase pigeons in any way?  *
4. How frequently do you consider how your actions will impact wildlife ? *
5. Have you ever felt indifference towards wildlife? *
5.5 If you answered yes to the last question, has your indifference ever led to you intentionally causing harm to a wild animal?
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6. Have you ever taken part in any UK based conservation projects in any way? *
6.5 If you answered yes to the previous question, what did you do?
7. Do you make efforts to care for your local wildlife; e.g. having a bird feeder in your garden, picking up litter, planting wild flowers? *
8. Did you know that the increased use of land by humans has led to habitat loss and population decline for many species? *
Urbanisation (the process of making an area more urban by human expansion) has led to population decline in wild species because their natural habitats have been destroyed and instead replaced with human structures, such as roads and buildings. 
9. Have you ever participated in the hunting of wild animals in any way? *
9.5 If you answered yes to the following question, what was the method you used? Please tick all that apply
10. Have you ever gone out of your way to care for a wild animal e.g taken a wild animal to a vet, volunteering to care for animals?  *
Please note that for larger animals and dangerous animals, such as swans, deers, and foxes, you should not try to help directly and you should instead contact a professional 
10.5 If you answered yes to the previous question, which animals have you helped?  Please tick all that apply 
11. In what ways do you most commonly engage with wildlife? Please tick all that apply *
12. Do you do any of the following on a regular basis? Please tick all that apply *
13. Do you actively try to minimise your impact on the environment?  *
14. Do you do any of the following on a regular basis? Please tick all that apply *
15. Do you enjoy being in nature? *
Thank you so much for taking the time to complete this survey. If you have any feedback or comments then please leave them below. 
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