Abstract submission
Submit your abstract here to attend the meeting titled "Understanding the multifaceted and applied nature of collective action research" held from the 29th to 31st of August 2024 at Durham University, UK. 
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What is your first and last name?
What is your email address?
What is your university affiliation (e.g., Durham University)? 
What is your current career stage (e.g., PhD student, academic staff)?
What is the title of your abstract?
Please list your co-authors and their affiliations below.
Please submit your abstract here (250 words max).
Please let us know if any of your co-authors will also be presenting/planning to attend the meeting. 
Do you have any suggestions for topics to be discussed or activities at this meeting?
We plan to organize a hybrid meeting. What would be your preferred way of attending the meeting?
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Would you need a visa for the UK to attend this meeting in person?
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Are you a scholar from a diverse background or low-income country? Please provide additional information if required.
Would you need financial support to attend this meeting? Please provide additional information if required.
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