Language policies and practices: How to work with languages in preschools and schools
Því miður fellur þessi smiðja niður. VIð bendum þátttakendum á að enn er hægt að skrá sig á aðrar smiðjur sjá lista yfir skráningu á vefsíðunni:

Markhópur: Starfsfólk leik- og grunnskóla

Markmið: The goals is to give staff in preschools ideas and tools to develop children´s Icelandic and to support their mother tongues.

Description: During this workshop, employees in preschools and schools will learn about active plurilingualism of children, how languages are linked with one another and how they are linked to children´s identity. The participants will try out several tools to work with children´s languages, to support children´s plurilingual awareness and their interest in languages. The tools are a language portrait, a language timeline, a language wall and a language rainbow. Many other ideas will be shared, as well as resources worth exploring.

Ath. vinnustofan fer fram á ensku. The workshop is in English.

Kennarar: Renata Emilsson Peskova
Hvar: Menntavísindasvið HÍ - Stakkahlíð
Hvenær: 12. ágúst kl. 13:00-16:00
Þátttökugjald: kr. 4.000,-
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