PBL Clara Pete Remote Learning Parent Survey
Please take a moment to let us know how it's going during the school closure. One survey per child please.
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What Grade is your student in
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In the last week of remote learning days, how many different school officials have contacted you directly?
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How do you feel about the amount of contact you are getting from the school?
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Please indicate any and all ways you or your student have been contacted by one of your child's teachers. (check all that apply)
What is your preferred method of communication?
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How is the amount of work that has been sent home?
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How is the difficulty of the work sent home?
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How has remote learning impacted your child and family?
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If your child is struggling, how comfortable do you feel reaching out to a teacher or administrator for help?
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How easy is it to contact a school official if you need help or have a question?
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In general, how quickly does someone get back to you if you have a question or issue?
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Have you been working more from paper packets, on-line resources or a combination of both?
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Where do you get most of your communication about school updates and information? (choose all that apply)
How is the amount of communication you are receiving? (food services updates, calendar changes, updates from state and local officials etc.)
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