Promise What the Church Believes and Teaches Lesson Week Of March 14, 2021
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Please start by having your child find page 30 in their What the Church Believes and Teaches workbook. Look over the prayers on this page. Your child should know a lot of them. You may wish to review the ones they have already learned. Explain that they will learn a new prayer today. *
Ask your child: "Do you live in the light (do good things, say yes to God) all the time?" (No) "What do we need to do after we have done something bad?" (Say we are sorry) *
Help your child find the Prayer of Sorrow near the bottom of the page. Explain to them that sorrow is a word that can mean feeling sad and being sorry. This is a prayer you can pray to Jesus when you need to tell him you're sorry. *
Read the prayer aloud to your child. Invite them to put a finger on the words as you say them. Break the prayer into short phrases and invite your child to repeat after you. Do this until your child can say it smoothly. *
Do you have any questions about the lesson?
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