NANMA Membership
Submit your details below to join Norwegian Malayali Association
As per our by-laws, only the Malayalees residing in Norway are eligible for the membership. So we request the following information from you to enable us to grant the membership.

Membership Fees: You will have to pay a one time fee of NOK 100 to our NANMA account no. 1503.22.04292 :
Each adult has to Pay NOK 100 for NANMA membership.

* Membership fee is one time and it's for life time.
* Note: If you are on a short assignment (less than 1 year) in Norway, the membership assigned would be temporary. Please inform us back when you complete your term in Norway and request for the membership cancellation.

In case of any questions/suggestions please contact us at our email:

Please share screenshot of payment with to after payment. Your membership is confirmed only after payment confirmed by NANMA.
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Your Name *
E-mail *
Phone Number In Norway *
Address in Norway *
Number Of Adults joining *
If more than one adult enter name, email and phone number separated by comma
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