Join the Movement: Become an Adeiur Ally
Adeiur appreciates your interest in volunteering and being apart of our Adeiur Ally initiative to make an impact on the community.

Adeiur is a registered 501(C)3 nonprofit organization that was launched in Houston, Tx January of 2018. Our vision is simple: Education, Women Empowerment, and Elevation for girls in underrepresented areas (ages 6-17). We provide resources for girls to take ownership of their lives, give them adequate tools necessary to achieve their career goals,  commission them to flourish psychologically, and expose them to diverse opportunities.

We are looking for allies like yourself to help promote our vision! Allies are needed to help coordinate Adeiur programs and to encourage our Adeiur Mentees.

Adeiur Programs:
- [ ] Sister Circle
- [ ] Princess Protection Pageant
- [ ] College Preparatory Program

(Check our website for more details on our programs and initiatives )
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2019 Princess Protection Pageant
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