Ortho Case of the Week - Wrist
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Case 1: A previously healthy, right handed 52 year old male presents with a chief complaint of right hand pain occurring immediately after a fall on outstretched hand (FOOSH) injury 3 hours prior to arrival.
What is your full read of the x-rays above?
What nerve is most commonly concurrently injured, and how would you test it?
How would you treat this injury if you were in a community ED without an orthopedics service at your beck and call? What splint would you use?
Case 2: A previously healthy, right handed 45 year old female presents with a chief complaint of right wrist pain occurring immediately after a FOOSH injury just prior to arrival. There is tenderness over the anatomical snuffbox and with axial loading of the thumb.
What is your full read of the x-rays above?
What is the feared complication from this injury?
How would you treat it?
What if the same patient had normal x-rays? How would you treat it?
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