House Noir Membership Application 
Please fill out this form and we will get in touch as quickly as we can. Once you fill out the form, you may schedule an interview. Following the interview, which is held in person with Mistress Solaris, usually over a coffee date. You will be informed whether or not your membership was accepted within about a day of your interview.

Please contact Mistress Solaris using her FetLife account (xSolaris) or email ( before submitting this application.
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
Legal First Name *
Legal Last Name *
Preferred Pronouns
Scene or Preferred Name
What is your FetLife handle?
What is your preferred method of contact? *
Contact information  *
How would you describe your BDSM experience level? *
Considerable Experience
What are your top BDSM interests? *
What are your top hard limits or dislikes? *
Have you seen a professional Domme before? *
Have you had a lifestyle Domme or played with a lifestyle Domme before? *
What are your primary BDSM roles or identities? *
"I understand that this is a membership application to House Noir, and authorize them to use this information to decide my suitability for membership. I understand that House Noir in no way provides sex work or exchanges sexual contact for money or goods, and is not considered prostitution. I understand that membership into this group is based in BDSM interest for educational purposes." *
"I understand that there is inherent risks associated with BDSM. I certify that I have thoroughly investigated the risks (physical, social, emotional, relational, etc) associated risks, and hereby accept them of my own free will. I agree to hold House Noir, and all involved with the group harmless and to never pursue legal, social, media, or other action against House Noir, Mistress Solaris, or other members of the household, group, or playspace."

Please type your legal name below.
"I understand that the second portion of the application (to be finished during the in person interview) will require me to disclose:
-Information pertinent to the background check (violent crimes, including assault, sexual assault, etc.)
-Pertinent health information, including recent STI/STD status or health risks
-Information related to previous partnerships and/or dynamics
-Information related to mental health or trauma that are pertinent
-Any other information that could change the risk level associated

I also understand that House Noir will not sell or use this information for purposes other than to vet, plan, accept/reject membership, etc."

Please type your legal name below.
"I have read the rules associated with membership, including to never disclose the location of the play space, and to never engage in unethical, illegal, threatening, or dangerous behavior. I agree of my own volition to abide by all the rules."

Type your name below.
"I understand that my membership application may be rejected, or my membership revoked for any reason Mistress Solaris decides. I understand that I may not receive an explanation for this, and that all membership fees, tributes, etc. are nonrefundable. I have read all other policies and expectations, and agree of my own volition to abide by them. This includes boundaries, expectations, hygiene, manners and decorum, etc."

Please type your name below.
Thank you for submitting your application.
You may now schedule your interview here. Please remember there is a small membership fee required for booking that is nonrefundable, however you may reschedule with 24 hour advanced notice and have the fee apply to your next booking.
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