SOAK Bath Co - Social Media Application
Thank you for your interest in working with us!  Please fill out this form to be considered for any open position.
Name *
First and last name
Email Address *
Please take this Styles quiz and email us know your scores in all 4 areas along with your resume. ***Please note.  There is NOT a right or wrong style.  We need all 4 in our business.  Please be as truthful as possible so that we can see what role you would best fit in.*** *
What is it about this position that appeals to you? *
What traits and behaviors make you a good candidate for this position?
Link to a 2-minute video introduction (We will not review videos longer than 2 minutes). Feel free to share anything about yourself!
How would you exceed expectations in this role?
What was your favorite job you ever had and why?
Who was your favorite boss you ever had and why?
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