Community Fellows Symposium, 2021
When: Wednesday, October 6, 2021 from 5:00 - 6:30pm EST

Where: Chapel Lawn, Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, NY 12604

Please join the Office of Community-Engaged Learning to celebrate the work of our 2021 Community Fellows and our community partners! Students will reflect on their experiences, share stories, and fellowship outcomes.
This year, we are excited to honor:

- Asho Ashittey '23, Celebrating the African Spirit
- Sara Azcona-Miller '23, Exodus Transitional Community Inc.
- Leila Barnes '23, The Newburgh LGBTQ+ Center
- Joanna Burghardt '23, R.E.A.L. Skills Network
- Marge Carty '23, Poughkeepsie Mothers Project
- Christopher Chieng '22, For the Many (formerly Nobody Leaves Mid-Hudson)
- David David '22, Nashville Entrepreneurship Center
- Emma Frazier '22, Poughkeepsie Children’s Cabinet
- Julio Gonzalez '22, Persist Nashville
- Joshua Hernandez '23, Poughkeepsie Farm Project
- Jordana Judd '23, The Art Effect
- Eric Murphy '22, Arts Mid-Hudson
- Caitlin Patterson '22, Exodus Transitional Community Inc.
- Margaret (Meg) Ritzau '23, Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Sites, National Park Service
- Ariana Sierra-Chacon '23, Celebrating the African Spirit

Please note that current College policy requires that attendees must have a COVID-19 vaccination or evidence of a negative PCR COVID-19 test taken within three days of the event or negative rapid antigen test the day of the event.

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