Coaching and Staff Application for the 2024 AZYFL Phoenix AYF Allstars Football Program! We are looking to add Coaches/Staff for the following divisions: 8th Grade, 12U/11U and 10U/9U. You DO NOT have to be a current staff member for your team, but will have to do the required background check if accepted onto our staff. Team's will play in the 2024 AYF National Championship Tournament in NAPLES, FL Dec 7th-14th!

2023 Results @ AYF Nationals!
8th Grade | National Runner-Up
12U | National Runner-Up
11U | National 3rd Place
10U | Did Not Place

What positions we are looking for each team (8th Grade, 12U and 10U):
Coaching - HC, OC, DC, Positional (DB/WR/RB/LB/OL/DL).
Business Manager (1) - Will work directly with staff and the All Star Director on all thing's.
MPR (2) - Counts amount of plays each player plays to assure team's meet minimum plays required by AYF Nationals. Will also work with and assist the team Business Manager.

Lodging, Meals and Vans will be covered for the staff by the Allstars program!
(Possibly Flights too if enough sponsorship comes in)

PHX ALLSTARS 2024 Tryouts/Practice Schedule
(Players/Coaches still playing with their team throughout playoffs and AYF Regionals can join Allstar practices after their season ends)

OCT 13th (SUN) | PHX Allstars Camp
OCT 20th (SUN) | PHX Allstars Camp
NOV 3rd (SUN) | AZYFL PHX Allstars Combine & Media Day @ ASU
NOV 6th (WED) | Padded Tryouts (Shells)
NOV 7th (THU) | Padded Tryouts (Shells)
NOV 10th (SUN) | Padded Tryouts/1st Practice (Shells)

PRACTICES will be on Sun/Tue/Wed starting Sun/Nov 10th until we leave for Florida Dec 7th,
(If your team is still playing, you will be expected to be at our Allstars practice only on your personal teams OFF Days, as well as any of your players)

LEAGUE RULE: Coach/Staff Members are NOT allowed to recruit players from Allstars to there personal teams. This will fall under the "Prior Contact" rule, where a player cannot go and play for a Coach or Staff Member (Other than from his current regular season Coach) for a FULL CALENDAR YEAR to include Spring & Fall of 2025!

Thank You!

Coach Jason Gourley
817.6658.1660 | phxallstarsfb@gmail.com

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Example List:
Facebook Name (PHX Allstars FB)
PHX ALLSTARS Division(s) Interested In?: (Check All That Apply) *
Coaching/Staff Position(s) Interested In: (Check All That Apply) *
Are You Currently Affiliated With Any Team(s)? If "YES", Please Tell Us Which Team & Division. *
Please List Any Previous Coaching, Training or Admin Experience You May Have? *
Please Tell Us Anything Else You Would Like About Yourself, And Why You Would Like To Be A Part Of The 2024 PHX ALL STARS Staff?
Are you able to Scout Games & Recruit On Saturdays? (NOT required, but helps to land players at your position(s))
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