Testing Center Appointments- Learning Center
Students with accommodations or needing to make up work MUST use this form to make appointments to take tests in the Learning Center
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Email *
Student First Name *
Student Last Name *
Course Dept. Code (MATH, ENG, BIO, MBE, MC...) *
Course Number *
Professor *
What is the (duration) meeting time for this class? *
When Do You Want To Take  Test?
The Testing Center is open from 9:00 am-4:30pm Monday-Friday. Appointments can begin at 9:00 am and the final tests of the day can start no later than 3pm. Currently their are 10 spaces available for test taking in the Learning Center. If you select a time where our rooms are already full,  you will be contacted and asked to select another time.  PLEASE WORK WITH THE PROFESSOR TO FIND OUT WHEN TO MAKE THE APPOINTMENT FOR.
When would you like to take the test? *
What time would you like to schedule your test for? *
Do you have an accommodation for extra time? *
Will this test, quiz , exam will be completed virtually on Blackboard? Have you notified the professor of your scheduled appointment time?
Will your professor send your test, quiz, exam, or assignment to the Learning Center? Have you notified the professor of your scheduled appointment time?
Learning Center Honor Code Statement / Academic Integrity
As per the honor code, “Cheating is the deliberate submission of work for a grade or credit that is not one’s
own…”. Cheating encompasses “copying answers from a fellow student during a test”, “the use of unauthorized
notes or tapes during testing”, or “obtaining or giving unauthorized information about the content of a test.” Also, the Honor Code charges each VWU student with the task of alerting the Learning Center staff about another student observed violating the Honor Code.

To maintain an environment of academic integrity the Testing Center uses proctors, regular walkthroughs, 24/7 audio/video recording at each desk, and screen monitoring computer surveillance on each computer.

Please provide your initials below, indicting that you are aware that your exam will be monitored by a camera and that you have read and understand the Honor Code listed above, and that you agree to abide by the following Honor Code statement... “I will neither give or receive help on my test/quiz, nor will I violate the Honor Code while taking my test/quiz.”
Have you given the Learning Center at least 24 hours notice (not including the weekend (Sat./Sun.) before your scheduled test time? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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