Volunteer Exit Survey
Thank you very much for generously sharing your time and talents with us!

If you ever decide to return, please feel free to email us, and we will happily reinstate your position without requiring you to reapply.

If you have a moment, we would greatly appreciate it if you could complete our Volunteer Exit Survey. We are constantly working to improve and enhance the experience for our volunteers. Your feedback - whether it's positive or negative, big or small - is highly valued by our staff and volunteer leadership.

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
If you have not provided any other form of resignation and would like to be fully removed from future emails please provide your email or notify support@nilmdts.org to be removed. Note: you may continue receiving emails and will need to unsubscribe.
What was your role? (select all that apply) *
What is your main reason for leaving? (select all that apply)
Would you consider returning in the future?
Based on your experience, what are some things you feel this organization (locally or nationally) should continue doing? Things that are done well here?
Based on your experience, what are some things you feel this organization (locally or nationally) could improve?
If you could change anything about your role or the organization, what would you change?
What, if anything, do you wish you had known before you took on this position?
What, if anything, could have been done (locally or nationally) to prevent you from leaving?
Would you recommend this organization to others as a place to volunteer?
Definitely Not
Why or Why Not? *
Did you send any unlogged Consent Forms to sessions@nilmdts.org?
If a photographer, did you upload all image galleries to the session log (sessions after 11/2019) or ShootProof (sessions before 11/2019) for retention?
Any additional feedback?
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