Spring  Kids Jiu Jitsu camp pt-2 31MAR- 3APR 2025
Thank you for your interest in the Kids camp, please fill out the questions below. This camp will be limited to kids ages 8 and up. Cost is $220 for Stronghold Eastlake Jiu Jitsu students, $300 for non-members for the four days.
Things to bring daily:
-Water bottle
-packed lunch
-Kimono/ Gi
-Workout clothes and shoes
- Max of 10 kids
*First come first basis. RSVP and payment will solidify a spot in camp. RSVP w/o payment will not reserve you spot.* 
General schedule:
9-915- Drop off 
915-10- conditioning drills
10-11 - Jiu-Jitsu
11-1115 break
1115 -12 Jiu Jitsu drills
12-1pm Lunch and activities
1pm- pick up
Email *
Students full name: *
Kids age: *
Parents name: *
Phone number: *
Emergency contact with phone number: *
Food allergies (if any). *
PAYMENT: $220 Cash or Venmo due to by 24MAR 25 Prof Hannas Venmo *
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