Help Build a Pathway to Commercial Property Ownership for Small Businesses

The Commercial Acquisition Assistance Program (CAAP)—launched by The City of Boston's Office of Economic Opportunity & Inclusion—is seeking mission-aligned partners to help expand commercial property ownership for small business owners.

We’re looking to collaborate with:
Lenders & CDFIs – Provide flexible financing solutions with CAAP-backed risk mitigation.
Technical Assistance Providers – Offer business owners training in real estate management, financing, and ownership.
Investors & Philanthropic Partners – Support catalytic funding to unlock more capital for underserved businesses.
Community Organizations – Help identify and connect small business owners to CAAP resources.

💡 Interested in partnering? Fill out this quick form to share how your organization could contribute to CAAP’s mission. It only takes a few minutes!

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Contact Name & Title:  *
Email: *
Areas of Interest in Supporting CAAP *
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How can CAAP best align with your organization’s priorities or funding goals?
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