Free Living Somatic Movement Lessons
Please fill out the below form to sign-up for a free Living Somatic Movement lesson on Tuesday 22 September, Thursday 24 September, Tuesday 29 September, or Thursday 1 October.. The free trial lessons are for those of you who are new to the work and interested in joining one of our 6-week lesson series. The movement lessons will be 1h 15min. The lesson series will be the same time as the free lesson.

Tuesdays in English:
Time: 10.00am Central European Time / 1.30pm Indian Standard Time

Tuesdays in Swedish:
Time: 10am Pacific Time / 1am Eastern Time / 6pm British Time / 7pm Central European Time / 10.30 India Time

Thursdays in English:
Time: 10am Pacific Time / 1am Eastern Time / 6pm British Time / 7pm Central European Time / 10.30 India Time

You will receive an e-mail with a Zoom link to join the movement lesson you've signed up for before the event.

Sign-up for Tuesday or Thursday 6-wekk lesson series here:

For any questions, please contact the Living Somatics office at 

We look forward to meeting you!
Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
First name *
Last name *
E-mail address *
Phone number (including country code) *
City and country of residence *
What is your profession?
Which free lesson are you signing-up for? *
What is your prior experience of Somatics, if any?
Where did you hear about Living Somatics and the lesson-series? *
Please list if you have any specific questions you would like us to answer.
Is there anything else that you would like us to know about you?
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