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Summer 2025 Intensive Placement
Thank you for your interest in our 2025 summer intensives! Please use this form to contact our directors and receive placement/approval for your dancer.
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* Indicates required question
Your email
Dancer's Name
Your answer
Dancers DOB
Parent(s) contact info - name, email address, and cell number
Your answer
Please select which intensive(s) your dancer is interested in attending.
Junior Intensive (July 21-25 and August 11-15)
Intermediate Junior Intensive (June 16-20, July 21-25, and July 28-August 1)
Int/Adv Intensive (June 16-20 and July 28-August 1)
Advanced Technique and Variations (June 16-20 and July 21-25)
Professional Ballet Project (June 23-27)
Momentum (July 7-11)
Game Day (July 14-18)
Contemporary Ballet Project (July 28-August 1)
Guest Artist Intensive (August 4-8)
Percussion (August 12-13)
Please explain your dancer's current training (weekly classes, styles of dance, total hours, etc.).
Your answer
If your dancer is interested in the Professional or Contemporary Ballet Project, please let us know if your dancer is en pointe and if so for how many years...
Your answer
Please list any other information you would like us to know about your dancer. Thank you!
Your answer
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