AI Regulation in Europe: An Opportunity or Obstacle for Tech Startups?
The number of startups using all types of AI technologies is rapidly increasing over the world. There is a global race and those who use and implement these technologies will become more competitive and resilient. However, the current European startup scene could be jeopardized by the proposed legislation so much that 16% of surveyed 100 high-tech European AI startups consider stopping to develop AI or relocation outside the EU if the legislation is adopted in a way that severely limits innovation.
  • Is the regulation a mere obstacle for the startups or is there any protection provided to the AI-powered startups?
  • How do the startups know they are at the risk of being the subject to the proposed regulation measures?
  • How do they cope with complying with the strict requirements?
  • Will this regulation represent any financial burden to their business?
Join us for the panel discussion to find answers to these questions!

WHEN? May 30, 2023 at 9:00am - 11:00am
WHERE? At Kubi's The Nook, Bratislava, Slovakia

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