Moderator application
Hello! This is your moderator application form! It contains certain uncouth elements which you will be exposed to in order to judge your ability to moderate on this site.  If you’re bothered by any of the words in this application, then this job is not for you. You, as a moderator, will be exposed to such content. You’ll need to be able to identify items which breach our Terms of Service without being emotionally affected by them. You will need to stop and take a second look, to see if there is any benign reason why a statement has been said.  Lastly, you will need to be able to find something personally offensive, but which isn’t against the site rules, and let it go without taking action. Can you do those things? 
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What is your full name? *
What is your e-mail? *
What is your username? *
Which country do you live in? (This is so that we know what timezone you would roughly be covering)
Which role are you applying for *
What is your Discord ID? (ex. ChessKing#3564) *
Are you 18 years or older? *
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This form was created inside of Report Abuse