Application Form // Youth Gathering: Acts of solidarity in times of (in)differences
Mitrovica / 15th-24th of March 2021
Name *
Email address *
Date of Birth *
Gender *
Home address (please indicate municipality) *
Personal Contact *
Emergency Contact: *
Occupation (if student, please indicate field of study) *
Do you have special needs regarding food, mobility, abilities? *
Which languages do you speak/use? *
Do you own a computer or a smartphone that you would take with you to the Youth Gathering and use? Note: This is not a selection criterion! We use this information in order to know how to prepare logistically. *
What is your personal motivation to be part of this Youth Gathering? (min. 200 words, max. 400 words) *
What do you expect from this Youth Gathering? *
Do you already have experience with interviews, journalistic work or writing? If so, please tell us more about it.
What does solidarity mean to you? *
List some values that are important for you: *
Anything you would like to share with us
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