Membership Form
CEN is a Cambridge, Massachusetts-based network community driving technology-driven innovation and strategic growth for corporate venture capital.
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Name *
Email address *
LinkedIn link *
Company *
Title *
Your industry, role, interest etc.  *
Which state are you based? *
Are you interested in hosting event at CEN?  *
How did you hear about CEN?  *
I have read and agree to the terms of the Rules and Privacy policy in CEN.

New members must be recommended by committee members and complete the online Membership form to join the group. The personal information will be used solely for activities within the CEN, managed by the CEN Team members.

Members' information, including name, email address and affiliation may be shared with other CEN members and/or sponsors of our events solely for the purpose of event-related communication and/or coordination.

Members shall not disclose any confidential information including but not limited to Intellectual Property, Financial Information, Unreleased Data. In the event of disclosure, the CEN shall not be held liable, and the individual shall bear full responsibility.

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