Private Coaching Application
Hi! I'm happy that you're here! Please take a moment to complete this application so I can better understand your current situation and the kind of support you're looking for.

After you complete the application, on the next page, you'll get a link to book your free 45-minute Alignment Call where we'll dive deeper into how I can support you in reaching the goals or addressing the challenges you explain below. The more detail you share, the better recommendations I'll be able to make!

If by the end of our call I feel like I can help you, I'll share the details and you can decide if you'd like to work together. If I can't help you, I'd be happy to refer you to a trusted specialist from my network who could.

Regardless, my intention is to offer you an insight into what your next steps could be and that you walk away with clarity and value.

Okay, let's get started!

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Email *
What's your full name? *
Tell me a bit about your situation and what brought you to this call. *
What are the 1-3 main challenges you're experiencing right now?
What have you tried before to overcome these challenges? Why do you think it didn't work?
What’s one thing that you really want to make a reality in the next 6 months? Why is that important to you?
What's important for you in a coach? Why do you think I could be a great coach for you?
Anything else you'd like to share?
I only take on private clients I'm certain I can help. This is why my clients more than make up their investment.

With this is mind, private coaching with me starts at 1000 CHF per month (or equivalent in other currencies). If this is a good fit, are you ready to invest?
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