Smart Goals For Home
Directions: Create a S.M.A.R.T. goal for each of the categories below. Remember, these should be goals that you CAN work towards at home and also WANT to work on for yourself.

SMART Goals stands for:
S- Specific
M- Measurable
A- Attainable
R- Reachable
T- Timely

Make sure you:
-  put each goal into a category
- State your why - explain why you wish to work towards this: What is it going to do for you? How will it benefit you?
- Use your goals to help guide your daily activity while at home. Your activity log should indicate this.
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First Name *
Last Name *
What is your goal(s) for Health/ Wellness/Nutrition/Hydration Mindfulness/Sleep etc? Why did you set these goals? *
What is your goal for Physical Activity. Why do you have this goal? *
What is your goal for relaxation. What are you going to do purely for you? *
What is your goal for surrounding fun? What are you going to do for fun each day? Why? *
What are some other goals that you have while you are at home? *
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