2nd Annual Shakopee Wrestling Cornhole Tournament
July 23rd 2022
Shakopee Bowl
(3020 133th St W, Shakopee, MN 55379)
In Google anmelden, um den Fortschritt zu speichern. Weitere Informationen
E-Mail-Adresse *
Are you a sponsor - Please enter sponsor name and level.  If you would like to become a sponsor for this fundraiser, please contact Brian Sedlacek @ 952-836-9259 *
Select Tournament you plan to participate in
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Team Name *
Player 1  Name *
Player 1 Email Address *
Player 1 Phone # *
Player 2 Name *
Player 2 Email Address *
Player 2 Phone # *
I understand that I will have to pay via Venmo before my registration is complete (unless you are a sponsor, that payment needs to go through Brian Sedlacek) *
Bild ohne Titel
I understand that I must download the Scoreholio App to play (use your email that you posted above) *
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