Registration Form
🌍 Welcome to EducationUSA's "Let's Talk It Out" registration! 🎓

Ready to embark on an enriching journey of shared experiences and valuable insights? Join us for an engaging session where students currently studying in the U.S. and recent graduates come together to exchange stories, tips, and advice on navigating the American academic landscape.

Whether you're curious about cultural nuances, eager to explore campus life, or seeking practical guidance on budgeting and academic expectations, our virtual gathering is the perfect platform to connect with fellow learners and glean firsthand wisdom.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to broaden your horizons and forge meaningful connections. Reserve your spot now by filling out the form below, and get ready to embark on an exciting dialogue with peers from around the globe!
Iniciar sesión en Google para guardar lo que llevas hecho. Más información
Full Name *
Email Address *
Phone number *
Country of Residence *
Current Status (e.g., High School Student, Prospective Student, Educator, Parent)
Education Level 
Field of Study or Academic Interest
How did you hear about this event? 
Any specific topics or questions you would like to see addressed during the meeting? 
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