Meet Eileen for Coffee
These small gatherings are a fantastic time to get to know candidates, ask the questions that are important to you, and get more involved in local politics. This quick form will let us know that you're interested in attending a coffee with Eileen. We'll get back in touch with you by email with the location and any other things you'll need to know.
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What is your name? (first & last name preferred)
Find a Coffee
Eileen is excited to be attending both public coffees (at local establishments) as well as hosted coffees (in Lexington residents' homes). Times for these coffees can be found:
If you're interested in hosting a coffee, please let us know below as well!

Which date or dates are you interested in attending?
Please indicate what group(s) you belong to:
Comments or questions (optional):
Please include any topics or questions you'd be interested in discussing at the coffee.
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