Law School Application Submission Form (new)
Hello! Thank you so much for agreeing to submit your anonymous application to this little project.

This project's aim is to make real application materials more accessible for any future applicants who may be having trouble knowing where to start with their law school applications. Not everyone has the financial resources to hire an admissions consultant to help them begin the writing process, and I hope that this compilation of essays, resumes, addenda, diversity statement, etc. can help anyone who is struggling.

A few things to consider and look out for before submitting this form:
-You can add any document you would like; nothing is required. This may include your: personal statement, Why X essays, resume, Character & Fitness addenda, Yale 250, scholarship essays, etc.
-PLEASE remember to redact personal information you don't want floating on the internet. This may include: your name, college, LSAC number, company/organization names, or anything else that can easily be traced back to you.
-Please label documents appropriately (ex. "Personal Statement", "Why Princeton Law", etc.).
-Please consider adding any necessary content warnings to the top of your documents.
-Understand that any admission committees from law schools may potentially recognize your application materials if they somehow happen to come across the compilation in the future. You are taking this risk when submitting!
-Please realize that your real name might be attached to the Google Folder you link in this form. I will not be doxxing ANYONE, but if you are concerned, consider making the Google Folder through a burner Google account.
-Consider attaching a document with a cycle recap with any thoughts or advice you might have for anyone reading. You can just copy+paste the one you plan to post on r/lawschooladmissions

Here is the master Google Folder as of now for your reference: 

Furthermore, if you would like for your application to be removed from the compilation for ANY reason in the future, please email with your pseudonym.

Note: I will not be profiting off of these materials. The Google Drive will be completely free for anyone to view and will be passed on to the next cycle of applicants.

Please email if you have any questions or concerns!

Thank you so much! <3

Disclaimer: This project is based on an awesome project created by u/LSAppSamples and u/RIPCellinoAndBarnes: Sample Law School Applications. Because we were not able to contact them to continue their original folder, we’ve continued their work here. To see applications from the 2021-2022 cycle, check out their folder above. Big thanks to them for spearheading this effort!

Log in bij Google om je voortgang op te slaan. Meer informatie
Please provide a pseudonym for your application. It can be as silly as you want!
Please provide a link to a Google Drive folder with your application materials in it. Note that the contained contents will be added to a larger folder and may be organized by me to be uniform across submissions.
Which application cycle did you submit these materials in?
What is your GPA and LSAT score? You may provide your exact numbers or redact as much as you'd like (ex. 3.5low, 16mid)
What "tier" do you estimate your softs to be? Here is a guide for reference:
Do you identify as URM? (URM = underrepresented minority, you can include details if you'd like under other)
Are you KJD? (do you have full time work experience? if so, hit 'No')
Are you an international applicant? *
Do you identify as LGBTQIA+? *
Are you a community college applicant? *
Do you have a character + fitness issue? *
By checking this box, you are acknowledging that you have [1] agreed to submit your application to be added to the compilation, [2] redacted as much personal info as you would like, and [3] understood that any lurking admission committees can potentially link these materials back to you.
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