EAAS Tutoring (1st year students)
Hello! Please fill out the form with a concise and clear question/issue and the tutors will evaluate whether or not a one-to-one tutoring session is needed.
If the information you need is already available on the website and/or presentation slides, or if it has already been covered in threads on Facebook and/or Whatsapp, one of the tutors will email you and point out where the information can be found.
In the event that your problem/request is more complicated and requires a brief tutoring session, you will be contacted and provided a link to a page where you can book a 30min session (either online or in person) with one of the tutors.

Please consider that we receive many requests and may not reply immediately, but we will do our best.
The requests will be processed in chronological order. However, precedence will be given to new requests (meaning: if a single person fills out numerous forms, we will first process the "first timers" and only go through the rest once these have been handled).

EAAS Tutors

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Are you a 1st year EAAS student?
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Have you already fully enrolled in the course?
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If you haven't enrolled yet, why not?
Are you currently in Italy?
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Please state your request/issue/doubt etc.
Please leave an email address which the tutors can use to reach out.
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