Internship Final Evaluation Form


1. This is the final evaluation form to be completed by the intern’s supervisor to assess the intern’s performance during the whole period the internship.

2. This evaluation form consists of 4 sections. 

  • First section: Intern's supervisor information
  • Second section: Intern information and a brief summary of his/her responsibilities
  • Third section: Rate all of the 18 questions to evaluate his/her performance
  • Fourth section: Survey for the future internship

3. Please keep this evaluation form as confidential. Please do not reveal this to the intern.

*There is an auto-reply email which directly send to the provided email in the section below.

4. Please submit evaluation form to the BIR Program by 31 July 2024

5. The response/comments can be filled in English or ภาษาไทย

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Name of the Supervisor *
Position *
Organization Name and Department/Division *
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