W.A.L.L. Opening Day - Food Truck Registration
Hello! Thank you for your interest in participating in the opening day festivities for the 2024 Williamsport Area Little League season! We expect to see around 1,000 children, parents, coaches, and volunteers on opening day. This year will be especially memorable as we unveil the newly renovated Brandon Park facility for baseball and softball operations!

Opening day is April 27th with the ceremony scheduled to kick things off at 9:00 AM with games going all day to ensure a consistent flow of patrons through the day. The participation fee will be $150. Please fill out this form and we will contact you as soon as possible to discuss details!
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Phone Number (###-###-####) *
What food and beverages do you serve? *
If there are other food truck operators you think we should consider, please provide their business name here
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