Product Feedback Survey- Thank you for doing this!!!
Feedback from teachers, tutors, specialists, and parents on potential product Oct 27, 2020
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Are you a parent of a child learning to read, a teacher of children learning to read or both?
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Does your child(ren) have reading difficulties?
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How do you currently analyze your children's word-reading errors?
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Do you use phonics inventories/decoding inventories or CBMs to assess which specific phonics skills your child is struggling with?
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On a scale of 1 to 10, how time consuming is it for you to analyze reading errors for all your children with reading difficulties currently?
Extremely Time-consuming
Not Time-consuming
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Do you consider yourself an expert in analyzing errors at the grapheme-phoneme level? (How well do you feel like you can quickly and accurately analyze errors and develop instructional changes?)
I need help! English is super confusing!
I'm a pro! I can tell you what a schwa is, why they exist, and whether they are important to address or let go
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Please read through the flowchart below and imagine you are the parent or teacher using the mobile phone application "app" described. Use this diagram to answer the following questions.
If such a mobile app existed (look at above picture/diagram) that extracted and analyzed reading errors would you ever it?
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What do you think of this product (the mobile app)?
How likely are you/would you be to tell your friends about this product?
Not Likely At All
Very Likely to Tell my Friends/coworkers (if teacher) about it
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Would you want the app to be curriculum and CBM-agnostic and be able to input/accept errors from all types of existing forms (we would not store the form on our site, you would have to download and print it so as not to violate copyright)? Or, would you want us to create our own, comprehensive and unique forms that a child could use weekly?
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Would you be willing to start using this app right away?
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Would you rather the app take a picture of the completed assessment and be more accurate or use speech recognition to "hear" your child's errors and be less accurate/not get enough data each time? (even state-of-the-art speech rec for kids is not at the level of identifying individual phonemes yet).
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How would you like the app to input errors? You assess, then take a picture, you have the child read and speech recognition is used (note that this is not as accurate), or you have the child read out loud in front of you but you have the app open and you tap the word they got wrong (if they got it wrong) and select (from a dropdown) what they said?  (Yes, I know this is similar to the question above!) But, above, I'm trying to see which of picture vs speech rec you prefer, and here I am seeing if you still prefer that or prefer the new third option (selecting from within the app).
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What might prevent you from using this product?
How valuable would this service be to you- how much would you pay for this app? You can answer in yearly amounts or monthly...also indicate how long you would like the free trial to last...
Any other comments/feedback...
Would you be willing to answer more questions on the phone for me? Or do initial testing of products? If so, please leave your name and an email for me to contact you below. Thanks for considering! Your input is GREATLY APPRECIATED and goes toward creating products that will help all children learn to crack the alphabetic code! THANK YOU!!! -Neena
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