Pleasantly Spaced Event Venue - Booking Request
Welcome to the Pleasantly Spaced Event Venue booking form. Before booking with us, we would love for you to complete this form so we can gather as much information as possible about your event. You must be 21 years or older to complete this form.
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Full Name (Last, First) *
Cell Phone Number *
Email Address *
Type of Event *
Date of Event *
Time Frame of Event (start to finish, including set up and breakdown). Please choose an 8hr time frame. *
Guest Count 100 max (standing) 80 max (seated) *
Alcohol (If you plan to have alcohol at your event,  you must hire our recommended certified bartender to serve) *Outside bartenders are not allowed.
We would love to know how you found out about Pleasantly Spaced Event Venue *
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