Would you like to apply for a subsidised membership?
Pilates has changed my life and the lives of so many Mobilates members and we are committed to making the classes accessible. This includes supporting those who may not be in a financial position to pay, either on a short term or long term basis.

Check the options out here:

If you would like to apply for one of these please complete the information below. This will be completely confidential and you only need to provide the information you are willing to share.

Other members make these memberships possible so spaces are limited.  Please only apply if you are truly in financial hardship and able to commit to classes.

Thank you xxx
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Your full name *
Email Address *
Mobile number *
Are you a current Mobilates member? *
What do you hope to gain from attending Mobilates classes? *
Without sharing anything you are uncomfortable about, please describe your financial circumstances and why you would like to apply for the bursary. *
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