Shopper Next Door: Shopper Feedback
Here at Shopper Next Door, we really value your feedback and would love to hear you rate your experiences with our services! We are constantly looking to improve and this feedback will play a monumental role in the continuous improvement of our operations.

If you enjoyed our services, please refer us to someone else you know that might need an extra hand right now!
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Your name (First and Last) *
Assigned Shopper Name (First and Last) *
How satisfied are you with the performance of your shopper and the way you have been supported?
Very Dissatisfied
Very Satisfied
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Do you have any comments, questions, or ideas for how we can improve?
Consider sharing a review of your experiences! (positive or negative feedback)
If you enjoyed our services, please refer us to someone else you know that might need an extra hand right now! Provide their Name and Email/Number if possible so we can reach out to them!
Do we have permission to include excerpts of your feedback and your first name only on our website/marketing materials to serve as a testimonial for people in the community to read? *
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