YouTube Editor Application!
Hi! I'm looking for a part-time editor to help out with some of my videos (1-2 videos a month to start off, which will likely increase to 4 per month later down the line)! Here are the things I'm looking for:
  • Someone with prior experience editing YouTube videos (or can show that they can adapt to YouTube-style editing)
  • Able to edit lifestyle/vlog style content
  • Some motion graphics experience (you don't need to be extremely well-versed, but enough to add bits of flair to each video!)
  • Someone who can contribute creative ideas to the edit!
  • Someone who can make strict deadlines and is very communicative!
Thank you so much for your interest and I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Email *
Full Name *
Email *
Where are you based? (Country, State) *
Tell me about yourself in 2 sentences without talking about editing or work -- just about you as a person! *
Are you comfortable using Adobe Premiere Pro as your main editing program? *
Have you used before? (Not a requirement at all, but I'll likely be using it as our main method of revision communication!) *
Please link your portfolio or prior work! (Preferably with examples of other YouTube videos) *
What is your rate per video?  *
What is your typical turnaround time for a video? *
Are you also interested in thumbnail creation? (This has no bearing on the application, just gauging interest!) *
Is there anything else you'd like to share/think is important for me to know?
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